Friday, May 1, 2009

Oops...they did it again!

Oh my. I've not been in my hive to check on them to see how they were doing. Apparently they were doing too well and needed more space. The girls swarmed today. I was outside working in the yard and heard an all too familiar whir and buzz that was coming from the apiary. I looked, and sure enough the girls were swarming. Bees were everywhere flying madly about. All I could do was to stand and watch to see where they would decide to take up temporary residence. Luckily, it was on a low branch. I got one of my neighbors to come over and help me collect the little bundles of joy to put them in a new hive. Hopefully, they will like their new digs and stay put. I'll find out in a day or two.

Now here is a closeup of the little darlings...


roc said...

ok i watched both and feel like i have to vomit. haha i don't know how you do it.

Anonymous said...

Wow, typing in Georgia right now!

Paben said...

Looks like fun!I wouldn't mind putting on the gear and working with bees!I have had bees and wasp land on me and I just sit still until they are ready to fly away!I know better then to swat at them!

Tumble Fish Studio said...

So cool. I am so impressed with you! If I ever come to visit, I want to help wrangle the sweet little bees!