Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Apitherapy News: Video: Bees Swarm, Take Over NYC Sidewalk

Apitherapy News: Video: Bees Swarm, Take Over NYC Sidewalk

Click on the link above and check this out! Bees in NYC. Can you believe it? So glad that a beekeeper came along to get them to safety!

1 comment:

Tumble Fish Studio said...

Hi there my littl BeeFC! I'm just doing quick little "fly-by's" since I am so behind on everyone. Maybe I can get caught up before I get home later this week. I don't know if I'm up to watching the bees in NY. I appreciate our winged little buzzing friens but my nerves are so shot at this point I don't think I would enjoy it. They are not as calming to me as they are to you! I promise to watch later.

How's the bathroom coming? hee hee